Big Data and Networking (DataNET) Group
School of Computer Science, Fudan University
Our research has been funded by Amazon, Microsoft, Meituan, NIO, Tencent, Nokia, Biren Technology, Big Bird Capital, MatesTrip, QingCloud, China's State Key Lab. of Computer Science, China's State Key Lab. of Integrated Services Networks, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, Shanghai Pujiang Program and Fudan University.
Past & on-going projects:
EasyGraph: A Multifunctional, Cross-Platform, and Effective Library for Interdisciplinary Network Analysis
Supporting a series of network analysis functions with an outstanding performanceSelected for the Shanghai Open Source Innovation Outstanding Achievement Award (Grand Prize) [News]
Mining Online Developer Communities
Understanding the behavioral patterns of developers.Cross-OSN User Behavior Analytics
Exploring the user behavior across multiple OSNs.Qingyun Go: a WeChat Mini Program
A WeChat mini program, supporting various functions like check-ins, social discovery, mood recording and weather forecast.Measurement and Analysis of Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs)
Massive data-driven analytics of LBSNs including Foursquare, Dianping and Skout.Global Co-Authorship Network
Building and analyzing a global co-authorship network using Google Scholar data.PacketCloud: an Open Platform for Elastic In-network Services
PacketCloud utilizes a cloud-like environment to help both ISPs and third-party providers host elastic in-network services. PacketCloud serves as the “computing layer” of the MobilityFirst architecture.Publications
- Mengying Zhou, Tiancheng Guo, Yang Chen*, Yupeng Li, Meng Niu, Xin Wang, Pan Hui. Polygon: A QUIC-Based CDN Server Selection System Supporting Multiple Resource Demands. To appear: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
- Wencan Mao, Jiaming Yin, Yushan Liu, Byungjin Cho, Yang Chen, Weixiong Rao, Yu Xiao. Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-based Capacity Planning for On-demand Vehicular Fog Computing. To appear: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
- Jingjing Qu, Liwei Chen, Hui Zou, Hui Hui, Wen Zheng, Jar-Der Luo, Qingyuan Gong, Yuwei Zhang, Tianyu Wen, Yang Chen*. Joint-Sensemaking, Innovation and Communication Management during Crisis: Evidence from the DCT Applications in China. To appear: Big Data & Society.
- Jiayun Zhang, Qingyuan Gong*, Yang Chen*, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang, and Aaron Yi Ding. Understanding Work Rhythms in Software Development and Their Effects on Technical Performance. To appear: IET Software.
- Kexin Huang, Yan Teng, Yang Chen, Yingchun Wang. From Pixels to Principles: A Decade of Progress and Landscape in Trustworthy Computer Vision. Science and Engineering Ethics, 2024, 30: article number 26. [PDF]
- Mengying Zhou, Yang Chen*, Shihan Lin, Xin Wang, Bingyang Liu and Aaron Y. Ding. Dissecting the Applicability of HTTP/3 in Content Delivery Networks. Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, 2024.
- Hong Lin, Nuo Chen, Yang Chen, Xiang Li, Cong Li. BotScan: An Unsupervised Bot Detection Based on Adversarial Learning and Social Perception. Proc. of the 14th Asian Control Conference (ASCC'24), Dalian, China, Jul. 2024.
- Yushan Liu, Yang Chen*, Jiayun Zhang, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang. Towards an Accurate Mobility Trajectory Recovery Using Contrastive Learning. To appear: Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. [PDF]
- Min Gao, Shutong Chen, Yangbo Gao, Zhenhua Zhang, Yu Chen, Yupeng Li, Qiongzan Ye, Xin Wang, Yang Chen*. Detecting Compromised Accounts Caused by Phone Number Recycling on E-Commerce Platforms: Taking Meituan as an Example. To appear: Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. [PDF]
- Zhiwei Xu, Min Zhou, Xibin Zhao, Yang Chen, Xi Cheng, Hongyu Zhang. xASTNN: Improved Code Representations for Industrial Practice. Proc. of the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’23), Industry Track, San Francisco, California, United States, Dec. 2023. [PDF]
- Min Gao, Zheng Li, Ruichen Li, Chenhao Cui, Xinyuan Chen, Bodian Ye, Yupeng Li, Weiwei Gu, Qingyuan Gong, Xin Wang, and Yang Chen*. EasyGraph: A Multifunctional, Cross-Platform and Effective Library for Interdisciplinary Network Analysis. Patterns (Cell Press), 2023, 4:100839. [PDF]
- Qingyuan Gong, Yushan Liu, Jiayun Zhang, Yang Chen, Qi Li, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang, Pan Hui. Detecting Malicious Accounts in Online Developer Communities Using Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023, 35(10):10633-10649. [PDF]
- Atte Oksanen, Anica Cvetkovic, Nalan Akin, Rita Latikka, Jenna Bergdahl, Yang Chen, Nina Savela. Artificial intelligence in fine arts: A systematic review of empirical research. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 2023, 1(2):100004. [PDF]
- Tiancheng Guo, Yuke Ma, Mengying Zhou, Xin Wang, Jun Wu, Yang Chen*. SocialCache: A Pervasive Social-Aware Caching Strategy for Self-Operated Content Delivery Networks of Online Social Networks. Proc. of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’23), Rome, Italy, May 2023. [PDF]
- Wanda Li, Zhiwei Xu, Yi Sun, Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen*, Aaron Yi Ding, Xin Wang, Pan Hui. DeepPick: A Deep Learning Approach to Unveil Outstanding Users with Public Attainable Features. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2023, 35(1):291-306. [PDF]
- Qinge Xie, Qingyuan Gong, Xinlei He, Yang Chen*, Xin Wang, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao. Trimming Mobile Applications for Bandwidth-Challenged Networks in Developing Regions. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2023, 22(1):556-573. [PDF]
- Jiaqi Wu, Bodian Ye, Qingyuan Gong, Atte Oksanen, Cong Li, Jingjing Qu, Felicia F. Tian, Xiang Li, Yang Chen*. Characterizing and Understanding Development of Social Computing through DBLP: A Data-Driven Analysis. Journal of Social Computing, 2022, 3(4):287-302. [PDF]
- Lijun Yao, Zhiwei Xu, Xudong Zhao, Yang Chen, Liang Liu, Xiaoming Fu, Fazhan Chen. Therapists and Psychotherapy Side Effects: A Machine Learning-based Study. Heliyon, 2022, 8(11):e11821 (Cell Press). [PDF].
- Xuebing Li, Yang Chen*, Mengying Zhou, Tiancheng Guo, Chenhao Wang, Yu Xiao, Junjie Wan, and Xin Wang. Artemis: A Latency-Oriented Naming and Routing System. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2022, 33(12):4874-4890. [PDF]
- Zihang Lin#, Yuwei Zhang#, Qingyuan Gong*, Yang Chen*, Atte Oksanen, Aaron Yi Ding. Structural Hole Theory in Social Network Analysis: A Review. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS), 2022, 9(3):724-739. [PDF]
- Jiaxin Tang, Sen Liu, Yang Xu, Zehua Guo, Junjie Zhang, Peixuan Gao, Yang Chen, Xin Wang, H. Jonathan Chao. ABS: Adaptive Buffer Sizing via Augmented Programmability with Machine Learning. Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, Virtual Event, May 2022. [PDF]
- Mengying Zhou, Tiancheng Guo, Yang Chen*, Junjie Wan, Xin Wang. Polygon: A QUIC-Based CDN Server Selection System Supporting Multiple Resource Demands. Proc. of the 22nd ACM/IFIP Middleware Conference (Middleware’21), Industry Track, Québec, Canada, Dec. 2021. [PDF]
- Xinlei He, Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen*, Yang Zhang, Xin Wang, Xiaoming Fu. DatingSec: Detecting Malicious Accounts in Dating Apps Using a Content-Based Attention Network. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2021, 18(5):2193-2208. [PDF]
- Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen*, Xinlei He, Yu Xiao, Pan Hui, Xin Wang, Xiaoming Fu. Cross-Site Prediction on Social Influence for Cold-Start Users in Online Social Networks. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 2021, 15(2):6:1-6:23. (Selected for oral presentation in the Web Conference 2022) [PDF]
- Qinge Xie, Tiancheng Guo, Yang Chen*, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang and Ben Y. Zhao. Deep Graph Convolutional Networks for Incident-driven Traffic Speed Prediction. Proc. of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’20), Oct. 2020. (Acceptance ratio: 193/920=20.97%) [PDF]
- Jiayun Zhang, Yang Chen*, Qingyuan Gong, Aaron Yi Ding, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang, Pan Hui. Understanding the Working Time of Developers in IT Companies in China and the United States. IEEE Software, 2021, 38(2):96-106. [PDF]
- Yang Chen*, Jiyao Hu, Yu Xiao, Xiang Li, Pan Hui. Understanding the User Behavior of Foursquare: a Data-Driven Study on a Global Scale. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2020, 7(4):1019-1032. [PDF]
- Jia Yan, Lei Shi, Jun Tao, Xiaolong Yu, Zhou Zhuang, Congcong Huang, Rulei Yu, Purui Su, Chaoli Wang, Yang Chen. Visual Analysis of Collective Anomalies Through High-Order Correlation Graph. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2020, 26(7):2517-2534. [PDF]
- Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen*, Xiaolong Yu, Chao Xu, Zhichun Guo, Yu Xiao, Fehmi Ben Abdesslem, Xin Wang, Pan Hui. Exploring the Power of Social Hub Services. World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (WWW), 2019, 22(6):2825-2852. [PDF]
- Rong Xie, Yang Chen*, Shihan Lin, Tianyong Zhang, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang. Understanding Skout Users' Mobility Patterns on a Global Scale: A Data-Driven Study. World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (WWW), 2019, 22(6):2655–2673. [PDF]
- Qingyuan Gong, Jiayun Zhang, Yang Chen*, Qi Li, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang, Pan Hui. Detecting Malicious Accounts in Online Developer Communities Using Deep Learning. Proc. of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’19), Beijing, China, Nov. 2019. (Acceptance ratio: 202/1031=19.59%) [PDF]
- Amir Ebrahimi Fard, Majid Mohammadi, Yang Chen, Bartel Van de Walle. Computational Rumor Detection Without Non-Rumor: A One-Class Classification Approach. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS), 2019, 6(5):830-846. [PDF]
- Xuebing Li, Bingyang Liu*, Yang Chen*, Yu Xiao, Jiaxin Tang, Xin Wang. Artemis: A Practical Low-latency Naming and Routing System. Proc. of the 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP’19), Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 2019. (Acceptance ratio: 106/405=26.17%) [PDF]
- Jingtao Ding, Zhongjin Liu, Shaoran Xiao, Yang Chen, Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Steve Uhlig. Beyond the Click: a First Look at the Role of a Microblogging Platform in the Web Ecosystem. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2019, 16(2):743-754. [PDF]
- Huandong Wang, Yong Li, Yang Chen, Depeng Jin. Co-Location Social Networks: Linking the Physical World and Cyberspace. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019, 18(5):1028-1041. [PDF]
- Yixiao Xu, Tao Wang, Qi Li, Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen, Yong Jiang. A Multi-tab Website Fingerprinting Attack. Proc. of the 2018 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC’18), San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, Dec. 2018. (Acceptance ratio: 60/299=20.06%) [PDF]
- Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen*, Xinlei He, Zhou Zhuang, Tianyi Wang, Hong Huang, Xin Wang, Xiaoming Fu. DeepScan: Exploiting Deep Learning for Malicious Account Detection in Location-Based Social Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine 2018, 56(11):21-27. (2018 IF: 10.356) [PDF]
- Rong Xie, Yang Chen*, Qinge Xie, Yu Xiao, Xin Wang. We Know Your Preferences in New Cities: Mining and Modeling the Behavior of Travelers. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2018, 56(11):28-35. (2018 IF: 10.356) [PDF]
- Qingyuan Gong, Yang Chen*, Jiyao Hu, Qiang Cao, Pan Hui, Xin Wang. Understanding Cross-site Linking in Online Social Networks. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 2018, 12(4):25:1-25:29. [PDF|DataSet]
- Marius Noreikis, Yu Xiao, Jiyao Hu, Yang Chen. SnapTask: Towards Efficient Visual Crowdsourcing for Indoor Mapping. Proc. of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’18), Vienna, Austria, June 2018. (Acceptance ratio: 78/378=20.63%) [PDF]
- Shuang Jiang, Dong He, Chenxi Yang, Chenren Xu, Guojie Luo, Yang Chen, Yunlu Liu, Jiangwei Jiang. Accelerating Mobile Applications at the Network Edge with Software-Programmable FPGAs. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’18), Honolulu, HI, USA, Apr. 2018. (Acceptance ratio: 309/1606=19.24%) [PDF]
- Yang Chen*, Jiyao Hu, Hao Zhao, Yu Xiao, Pan Hui. Measurement and Analysis of the Swarm Social Network with Tens of Millions of Nodes. IEEE Access, 2018, 6:4547-4559. (2018 IF: 4.098) [PDF|DataSet]
- Yang Chen, Shining Wu, Jun Li, Xiaoming Fu. NCShield: Protecting Decentralized, Matrix Factorization-Based Network Coordinate Systems. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 2017, 10(2):244-257. [PDF]
- Lei Shi, Sibai Sun, Yuan Xuan, Hanghang Tong, Yue Su, Shuai Ma, Yang Chen. TOPIC: TOward Perfect InfluenCe Graph Summarization. Proc. of 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’16), Helsinki, Finland, May 2016. (Acceptance ratio: 99/400=24.75%) [PDF]
- Yang Chen*, Yu Chen, Qiang Cao, Xiaowei Yang. PacketCloud: a Cloudlet-based Open Platform for In-network Services. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2016, 27(4):1146-1159. (2016 IF: 4.18) [PDF]
Prof. Yang Chen
Graduate Students:
Mengying Zhou (Ph.D. Student, co-supervising with Prof. Xin Wang)
Min Gao (Ph.D. Student)
Dan Zhuo (Ph.D. Student, co-supervising with Prof. Xin Wang)Niduo Huang (Master Student)
Yuke Ma (Master Student)
Bodian Ye (Master Student)
Shaobin Wang (Master Student)
Kebing Liu (Master Student)
Wen Wen (Master Student)
Haoran Du (Master Student)
Yongjie Yin (Master Student)
Yushan Liu (Undergraduate/Master Student), graduated with honor in Jun. 2024, now with Morgan Stanley.Hui Ruan (Master Student), graduated with honor in Jun. 2024, now with Huawei.
Shiyu Luo (Master Student), graduated with honor in Jun. 2024, now with Alibaba.
Tiancheng Guo (Master Student), graduated in Jun. 2023, now with China Southern Asset Management.
Zheng Li (Master Student), graduated in Jun. 2023, now with ByteDance.
Zihang Lin (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2023, now a Ph.D. student at Northwestern University.
Jingcan Chen (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2023, now a Ph.D. student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Run Huang (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2023, now a Ph.D. at the University of Southern California)
Prof. Qingyuan Gong (Ph.D. student & postdoc), now a Pre-tenure Associate Professor at the Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems at Fudan University.
Ruiyu Fang (Undergraduate/Master Student), graduated in Jan. 2023, now a software engineer at CISCO.
Yixin Cao (Research assistant), now a master student at Carnegie Mellon University.
Yuwei Zhang (Undergraduate Student), graduated with honor in Jun. 2022, now a Ph.D. student at the University of Cambridge.
Yingqiu Zhuang (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2022, co-winner of the Tengfei Cup, now a software engineer at Meituan.
Jianxi Zhang (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2022, co-winner of the Tengfei Cup, then a master student at London Business School.
Erzheng Fu (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2022, co-winner of the Tengfei Cup, then a master student at Carnegie Mellon University.
Ruichen Li (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2022, then a MPhil student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Guangzhou.
Jiaqi Wu (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2022, then a master student at the University of Michigan.
Ms. Qiongzan Ye (Master Student), graduated in Jun. 2022, now a software engineer at Meituan.
Ms. Jiaxin Tang (Undergraduate/Master Student), graduated in Jan. 2022, now a civil servant in Nanjing.Zhiwei Xu (Undergraduate Student at Shanghai University, research intern), graduated in Jun. 2021, now a Ph.D. student at Tsinghua University.
Yi Sun (Undergraduate Student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology / research intern), graduated in Jun. 2021, now a master student at Carnegie Mellon University)
Xiaoxin He (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2021, now a Ph.D. student at National University of Singapore)
Shutong Chen (Undergraduate Student, graduated in Jun. 2021, then a master student at Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute.
Yihan Ma (Master Student), graduated in Jan. 2021, now a Ph.D. student at Helmholtz Center for Information Security.
Jiayun Zhang (Undergraduate Student), named Chun-Tsung Scholar, graduated with honor in Jun. 2020, now a Ph.D. student at UCSD.
Guozhen She (Undergraduate Student), named Denghui Scholar, graduated in Jun. 2020, then a Ph.D. student at Duke University.
Wanda Li (Undergraduate Student), graduated with honor in Jun. 2020, now a master student with Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute.
Ye Cao (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jun. 2020, then a master student with Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, now with Fudan University.
Rong Xie (Undergraduate/Master Student), graduated with honor in Jun. 2020, now with Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology.
Qinge Xie (Master Student, graduated in Jun. 2020, now a Ph.D. studeent at Georgia Tech)
Prof. Xinlei He (Undergraduate/Master Student), graduated in Jan. 2020, received his Ph.D. from the Helmholtz Center for Information Security, now an assistant professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).
Xuebing Li (Undergraduate/Master Student), graduated in Jan. 2020, now a Ph.D. student at Aalto University)
Dong He (Undergraduate Student), named Wangdao Scholar, graduated with honor in Jul. 2019, now a Ph.D student at the University of Washington.
Shihan Lin (Undergraduate Student), named Denghui Scholar, graduated in Jul. 2019, named Denghui Scholar, now a Ph.D student at Duke University.
Chenxi Yang (Undergraduate Student, graduated with honor in Jul. 2019, now a Ph.D student at the University of Texas at Austin)
Zhichun Guo (Undergraduate Student), named Chun-Tsung Scholar, graduated in Jul. 2019, now a Ph.D. student at the University of Notre Dame.
Zeyu Zhang (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2019, then a master student at New York University.
Hua Sun (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2019, then a master student at New York University.
Yue Mao (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2019, then a master student at Columbia University.
Rui Han (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2019, named Denghui Scholar, then a master student at Fudan University.
Jiaqi Wang (Master student), graduated in Jan. 2019, now with a startup.
Fei Li (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2018, then a master student at Cornell Univ., now at Google.
Zhou Zhuang (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2018, now a master student at Columbia University.
Yezhou Ma (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2018, now a master student at Cornell University.
Jingrong Chen (Undergraduate Student), graduated with honor in Jul. 2018, now a Ph.D. student at Duke University.
Hao Zhao (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2018, now a master student at Northeastern Univ.
Tianyong Zhang (Undergraduate Student), named Xiyuan Scholar, graduated in Jul. 2018, now a software engineer at Alibaba.
Chao Xu (Research Assistant), now a Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech.
Qian Zhou (Master Student), graduated in Jul. 2018, now with Huawei.
Yuxi Yang (Undergraduate Student), named Chun-Tsung Scholar, graduated in Jul. 2017, now a Ph.D. student at Duke University.
Dr. Jiyao Hu (Undergraduate Student), named Xiyuan Scholar, graduated in Jul. 2017, received his Ph.D. at Duke Univ., now with ByteDance.
Dr. Huiying Li (Undergraduate Student), named Xiyuan Scholar, graduated with honor in Jul. 2017, received her Ph.D. at the Univ. of Chicago, now with ByteDance.
Yuan Xuan (Undergraduate Student), graduated with honor in Jul. 2017, then a master student at Cornell University, now at Google.
Chuanhao Ma (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2017, then a master student at the University of Virginia, now at MicroStrategy.
Zhenxuan Wang (Master Student), co-advised with Prof. Xin Wang, graduated in Jul. 2017, now with Tencent
Fenglin Qi (Master Student), graduated with honor in Jan. 2017, now with the Information Office of Fudan University.
Yue Huang (Master Student), graduated in Jul. 2016, now with Ctrip.
Yupeng Huang (Undergraduate Student), graduated in Jul. 2015, now with National Tax Bureau.Datasets
GitHub Data: 10,649,574 users, 118,602,740 commits, and 20,999,258 repositories (collected in Jun.-Aug., 2018) [Dataset]
Detailed Check-In Data of the Swarm App: 1,562,452 check-ins generated by 5,112 Swarm users (collected in Apr.-May 2017) [Dataset]
Foursquare Tip Data: Tips of 6.52 million Foursquare users (collected in Nov. 2015)
Social graph and number of check-ins of the Swarm App: all 60+ million users (collected in Aug.-Sep. 2015) [Dataset]
Cross-Site Linking Data: An anonymized dataset of 60+ million Foursquare users with a focus on cross-site linking (collected in Aug. 2015) [Dataset]
Google Scholar Data: A co-authorship network with 402.39K nodes and 1.23 million edges (collected in May 2015) [Dataset]
Please contact Prof. Yang Chen if you are interested in any of these data sets.Tips
- Git
- SSH Tunnel
- LaTeX
- How to: review a paper, write a paper, write an abstract, give a presentation, chair a session, deal with rejection
- Mailinglists: SOCNET
- Homebrew
- Python: matplotlib
- Social Graph Analysis: NetworkX, SNAP
- English: Pronunciation of Mathematical and scientific symbols, English grammar
- Machine Learning: catboost, xgboost [Guide], scikit-learn, Weka (RandomForest, J48, NaiveBayes, LibSVM), Keras, TensorFlow PlayGround
- Open source: Licensing
- Crawling: webdriver, BeautifulSoup
- Sentiment analysis: NLTK, StanfordNLP
- Datasets: SNAP, Cool, KONECT
Technical news:
Jun. 2024 Prof. Mo Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China), Prof. Falko Dressler (TU Berlin, Germany), Prof. Yuejie Chi (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Apr. 2024 Prof. Nishanth Sastry (Univ. of Surrey, UK), Prof. Dah Ming Chiu (Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong, China)
Mar. 2024 Prof. Linqi Song (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Feb. 2024 Prof. Yiting Xia (MPI-INF. Germany), Dr. Jialong Li (MPI-INF, Germany)
Sep. 2023 Prof. James Evans (University of Chicago, USA), Prof. Pan Hui (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
Jul. 2023 Prof. Yu Xiao (Aalto University, Finland)
Jun. 2023 Dr. Jianhua He (University of Essex, UK), Prof. Shuo Yu (Dalian University of Technology, China), Prof. Shuai Xu (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China), Dr. Lei Bai (Shanghai AI Lab, China)
May 2023 Prof. Sheng Zhou (Tsinghua University, China)
Oct. 2021 Dr. Tong Li (Tsinghua University, China)
Aug. 2021 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Chenfan Zhuang (Meituan, China)
Jul. 2021 Prof. Jar-Der Luo (Tsinghua University, China)
Jun. 2021 Ms. Huiying Li (University of Chicago, USA)
May 2021 Dr. Bolun Wang (Facebook, USA)
Apr. 2021 Dr. Ruixiong Tian (MoSeeker, China)
Jan. 2021 Dr. Chao Zhu (Aalto University, Finland), Kefei Tu (Nankai University, China)
Nov. 2020 Dr. Zhenhua Han (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
Oct. 2020 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Prof. Jar-Der Luo (Tsinghua University, China), Zhenhua Zhang (Meituan, China)
Dec. 2019 Prof. Bruno Abrahao (NYU Shanghai, China), Dr. Qiang Cao (University of Geogeria, USA)
Nov. 2019 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Prof. Jie Wu (Temple University, USA), Dr. Qing Wang (Australian National University, Australia)
Oct. 2019 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Prof. Ronaldo Menezes (University of Exeter, UK), Dr. Yang Zhang (CISPA, Germany)
Aug. 2019 Prof. James Evans (University of Chicago, USA), Prof. Lirong Xia (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA), Ao Liu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Jul. 2019 Dr. Cong Shi (Square, USA), Dr. Yang Zhang (CISPA, Germany)
May 2019 Prof. Feng Wang (University of Mississippi), Prof. Yanjiao Chen (Wuhan University, China), Prof. Sheng Zhou (Tsinghua University, China)
Mar. 2019 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Dr. Xingwei Wu (Big Bird Capital, China)
Nov. 2018 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Feng Zhu (Macquarie University, Australia)
Sep. 2018 Prof. Lin Zhong (Rice University, USA), Marius Noreikis (Aalto University, Finland), Prof. Pan Hui (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Jul. 2018 Prof. Haitao Zheng (University of Chicago, USA), Prof. Lin Zhong (Rice University, USA), Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Prof. Lei Shi (Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Jun. 2018 Prof. Yu Xiao (Aalto University, Finland), Prof. Ben Y. Zhao (University of Chicago, USA)
May 2018 Prof. Jar-Der Luo (Tsinghua University, China), Prof. Rong Zheng (McMaster University, Canada)
Apr. 2018 Prof. Yu Xiao (Aalto University, Finland), Dr. Xiao Sophia Wang (Uber, USA)
Mar. 2018 Dr. Hongqiang Harry Liu (Alibaba, USA)
Dec. 2017 Prof. Jun Li (University of Oregon, USA), Dr. Ruichuan Chen (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
Nov. 2017 Prof. Baris Kasikci (University of Michigan, USA), Dr. Charlie Catlett (Argonne National Laboratory, USA), Dr. Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden), Prof. Bernhard Plattner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Prof. Jinyao Yan (Communication University of China, China), Bojie Li (USTC / MSRA, China), Dr. Chuanxiong Guo (Bytedance, China)
Oct. 2017 Dr. Hongqiang Harry Liu (Microsoft Research, USA), Dr. Yibo Zhu (Microsoft Research, USA), Tianqi Chen (University of Washington, USA)
Sep. 2017 Prof. Ben Y. Zhao (Univ. of Chicago, USA), Prof. Lei Jiao (Univ. of Oregon, USA)
Aug. 2017 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (Univ. of Goettingen, Germany)
Jul. 2017 Prof. Kai Chen (HKUST, China)
Jun. 2017 Dr. Lei Yang (Intel, USA), Dr. Yiting Liao (Intel, USA), Prof. Pei Cao (Stanford University, USA), Prof. Oliver Marin (NYU Shanghai, China), Dr. Hengky Susanto (Huawei Research, Hong Kong), Prof. Keith Ross (NYU Shanghai, China), Prof. Hong Xu (City University of Hong Kong, China), Prof. Chenren Xu (Peking University, China)
May 2017 Dr. Wan Du (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Prof. Jin Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
Apr. 2017 Dr. Haiming Jin (UIUC, USA), Dr. Nishanth Sastry (King's College London, UK), Yupeng Li (Hong Kong University, China), Shining Wu (BMW AG, Germany)
Mar. 2017 Dr. Bingyang Liu (Huawei Research, China), Prof. Chuan Wu (Hong Kong University, China)
Jan. 2017 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Prof. Chenren Xu (Peking University, China), Hongze Zhao (Airbnb, USA)
Dec. 2016 Dr. Hongqiang Harry Liu (Microsoft Research, USA)
Nov. 2016 Felix Beierle (Telekom Innovation Laboratories/Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), Dr. Anders Lindgren (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden), Dr. Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden), Dr. Xueying Guo (Tsinghua University, China)
Sep. 2016 Prof. Yu Xiao (Aalto University, Finland), Prof. Ben Y. Zhao (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
May 2016 Dr. Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden)
Apr. 2016 Prof. Guofei Gu (Texas A&M University, USA)
Mar. 2016 Prof. Yuejie Chi (Ohio State University, USA)
Dec. 2015 Dr. Hongqiang Harry Liu (Microsoft Research, USA)
Nov. 2015 Dr. Anders Lindgren (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden), Dr. Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden), Prof. Yong Li (Tsinghua University, China)
Oct. 2015 Prof. Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, Germany), Dr. Xin Wu (Big Switch Networks, USA)
Sep. 2015 Prof. Ben Y. Zhao (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Jun. 2015 Prof. Kai Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong), Dr. Xu Chen (University of Goettingen, Germany)
Apr. 2015 Prof. Lei Shi (Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Jan. 2015 Prof. Qi Li (Tsinghua University, China)News
Mar. 2024 We received the Shanghai Open Source Innovation Outstanding Achievement Award (Grand Prize).
Feb. 2024 Xinlei joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) as an assistant professor.
Jun. 2023 Hui and Min visited Aalto University for three months.
Nov. 2022 Mengying visited TU Delft for one year.
Oct. 2022 Qingyuan joined the Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems at Fudan University as a Pre-tenure Associate Professor.
Sep. 2022 Yushan visited Aalto University for three months.
Aug. 2022 Run won the first place of the Student Research Competition (undergraduate category) of ACM SIGCOMM'22
Aug. 2022 Our paper "Predicting Upvotes and Downvotes in Location-Based Social Networks Using Machine Learning" won the Most Welcomed Paper Award of CAAI BDSC 2022.
Jun. 2022 We received SCS Award for Science and Technology (Third Prize).
Jan. 2022 We received the Meituan Research Collaboration and Exploration Award.
Dec. 2021 Qingyuan received CAAI BDSC Rising Star Award.
Dec. 2021 Qingyuan named "Shanghai Super Postdoc".
Jan. 2021 We had the Fudan-Helsinki-HKUST Webinar with Prof. Pan Hui's and Prof. Sasu Tarkuma's groups.
Jan. 2021 Yihan will join Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA) for Ph.D. study.
Sep. 2020 Qinge received the SIGIR Student Travel Grant for ACM CIKM 2020.
Aug. 2020 Qingyuan successfully defensed her Ph.D. thesis.
May 2020 Jiayun named Chun-Tsung Scholar. Rui, Ruiyu, Shihan and Guozhen named Denghui Scholar.
Apr. 2020 Qinge will join Georgia Tech for Ph.D. study. Jiayun will join UCSD for Ph.D. study. Guozhen will join Duke for Ph.D. study. Jingrong will join Duke for Ph.D. study.
Jan. 2020 Jiayun visited Univ. of Chicago for two months.
Dec. 2019 The MSN Team (Qingyuan, Yushan, Xinlei, Jiayun and Ye) won the first place of the Shanghai Open Data Innovation Research Competition for Universities.
Sep. 2019 Qingyuan visited Nokia Bell Labs in Germany for three months.
Jul. 2020 Qinge visited Univ. of Chicago for three months.
Jun. 2019 Dong named Wangdao Scholar.
Apr. 2019 Dong will join University of Washington for Ph.D. study. Chenxi will join the University of Texas at Austin for Ph.D study. Xinlei will join Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA) for Ph.D. study. Shihan will join Duke University for Ph.D. study. Xuebing will join Aalto University for Ph.D. study. Yue will join Columbia University for master's study. Hua and Zeyu will join New York University for master's study.
Sep. 2018 Qingyuan received the travel grant for ACM UbiComp 2018.
Sep. 2018 Qinge visited Aalto University, Finland for three months.
Jun. 2018 Xinlei visited Univ. of Goettingen, Germany for three months.
Jun. 2018 Zhou will join Columbia Univ. for master's study, Fei and Yezhou will join Cornell Univ. for master's study, Hao will join Northeastern Univ. for master's study, Jingrong will join HKUST as a MPhill student, Chao will join Virginia Tech. for Ph.D. study.
Jan. 2018 Xuebing/Rong visited Aalto University for one year / three months.
Dec. 2017 Our WeChat Mini Program Qingyun Go is online!!
Nov. 2017 Qingyuan received the Travel Grant for ACM CoNEXT 2017.
Jul. 2017 Hao and Zhou visited University of Goettingen, Germany for three months.
Jul. 2017 Xuebing received the student travel grant for APNet 2017.
Jun. 2017 Qingyuan received the N2Women Travel Grant for ACM SIGCOMM 2017.
Apr. 2017 Yuxi and Jiyao will join Duke Univ. for Ph.D. study; Huiying will join Univ. of Chicago for Ph.D. study, Tony will join Cornell Univ. for master's study; Chuanhao will join Univ. of Virginia for master's study.
Apr. 2017 Xinlei named Wangdao Scholar, Huiying/Jiyao named Xiyuan Scholars.
Jan. 2017 Rong received the student travel grant for NetSys 2017.
Jan. 2017 Jiyao and Yuxi visited Aalto University, Finland for four months.
Oct. 2016 Zhenxuan and Zhikai received the first class scholarship. Qian, Xuebing and Rong received the second class scholarship.
Jul. 2016 Zhenxuan visited University of Goettingen, Germany for half a year.
Jul. 2016 Qian visited University of Goettingen, Germany for three months.
Jun. 2016 Yuxi named Chun-Tsung Scholar. Also, she was selected for the National Training Programs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduate Students.
May 2016 Yue passed his master defense. He has started his career at Ctrip.
May 2016 Yue presented our work in IEEE ICC 2016 in Malaysia.
May 2016 Yuan presented our work in IEEE ICDE 2016 in Helsinki.
Jan. 2016 Zhikai visited Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden for three months.
Nov. 2015 Jiaqi won the second prize of the National Contest of Information Security for University Students (ranked the 4th among all teams).
Oct. 2015 Zhenxuan and Jiaqi received the first class scholarship. Yue, Qian and Zhikai received the second class scholarship.中文简介
复旦大学网络大数据实验室(原移动系统与网络实验室)成立于2014年10月。实验室现有教授/博导1人、博士生3人,硕士生8人。实验室长期从事网络大数据、在线社交网络、智能互联网、移动云计算等相关方向研究,和多位来自不同国家的国际顶尖教授有密切合作。先后主持3项国家自然科学基金项目,1项上海市科委国际合作项目,1项上海市自然科学基金项目,1项上海市浦江人才计划项目,并作为子课题负责人参与1项国家自然科学基金重点项目。科研工作也得到包括芬兰国家教育委员会、微软、腾讯、亚马逊、美团、诺基亚、壁仞科技、蔚来汽车等知名单位和多个国家重点实验室/地方政府的资助。先后获得上海开源创新卓越成果奖特等奖(第一完成人)、上海市计算机学会科学技术奖三等奖(第一完成人)、上海市计算机学会教学成果奖三等奖(第一完成人)、美团科研合作探索奖、CAAI 第七届全国大数据与社会计算学术会议最受欢迎论文奖等。参与组织ACM SOSP'17、ACM SIGCOMM'21、ACM SIGCOMM'22、ACM MobiSys'23、IEEE ICDCS'24等顶尖国际会议。已经培养博士生1人,硕士生10余人,本科生近30人顺利毕业,其中9位同学获得“上海市优秀毕业生”荣誉称号,多位同学被评为“复旦大学优秀毕业生”,多数同学获得世界顶尖高校全额奖学金并继续深造。本小组学生获得荣誉包括ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Student Research Competition本科组冠军、2021年复旦大学腾飞书院科创计划腾飞杯优胜奖(第一名)、2020年第二届全国高校开放数据创新研究大赛一等奖、2019年首届上海高校开放数据创新研究大赛一等奖(第一名)等。